Let me guess? You heard about the changes coming to Facebook Groups and you’re wondering how this is going to impact your business as a direct seller.
I see you! As an admin and online business owner that has built a huge community within a Facebook Group, I also rushed to google what is happening. Lucky for you, I have the answers and next steps waiting for you right here on this page!
What’s Actually Happening
As you may have heard, Facebook recently announced changes regarding third-party app access to groups. First things first… let’s understand what is actually happening.
Facebook announced this month that they will be discontinuing third-party app access to groups on April 22.
What does that exactly mean??
This means that our favorite apps such as Cinchshare, Postmyparty, Zoom, Canva, Streamyard, Vizzlie, etc. will no longer be able to post on your behalf automatically in Facebook Groups. This has led to some panic amongst a lot of direct sellers who use these platforms to automate their businesses in groups setup to connect with their team, customers and even to run parties.
What Should You Do?
I’m here to tell you, it’s not all gloom and doom.
Adaptability is key.
We know we’re playing on someone else’s turf and the rules can change at any moment. The reality is we’ve done this before and we can do it again. For those who have been in direct sales for a while, this isn’t the first time having to pivot and adapt to social media platform changes.
There are still ways to maintain consistency in posting and engagement. Let’s talk through how to adapt and keep your biz on track through the latest changes headed our way!
While I thought about keeping these recommendations to my students and clients, I’m a big believer in elevating the entire industry. Feel free to share with your biz besties + team!

Keep on scheduling: You can still manually schedule your posts by scheduling your posts directly within your Facebook Group using the native scheduling tool. While a little labor intensive, you can use a tool such as Boards to keep your content at your fingertips. Another solution is that some scheduling apps, such as Cinchshare, have enabled push notifications for reminders to post to your groups. This means you’ll get a reminder it’s time to post and can post within a few clicks. Keep in mind, you can still schedule posts in all the other platforms and places – this is only impacting Facebook Groups.

Think bigger: I know how much you love your Facebook Group. It may be the primary place you’ve built your community over the years. Consider this your friendly nudge to remain flexible, open to learning and experiment with integrating other platforms into your direct sales business. Consider leveraging alternative platforms and tools, such as your own website or landing pages (Psst. Check out Oh My, Hi), to diversify your online presence and reduce reliance on Facebook Groups. Also think about utilizing other social media platforms you are not currently on – like Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and LinkedIn. By changing up your content sharing approach, you can stay relevant and adapt to changing social media trends.

It’s time to go public: Only focusing on your Facebook Group doesn’t get you in front of new leads, customers, hosts and teammates. Whomp, whomp. It’s time to share your content more publicly on Facebook. Post to your personal Facebook Profile or Facebook Business Page to reach a broader audience. In one click, you can manually “share” your content into your closed private Facebook Group.

Get creative: Explore new ways to connect with your audience. Experiment with features that you’ve NOT used before. Maybe you haven’t used Stories on Instagram or Facebook – here’s your time to give it a try. (And, you can even schedule them!) You can do the same with Reels or LIVE videos. Facebook has put a bigger emphasis on short-form video Reels so give the algorithm (and your followers) what they want! This requires an ounce of creativity. The more you do it, the easier it gets!

Party Outside of Groups (RSVP REQUIRED!): Party Powerhouses: this is for you. Step outside of that comfort zone by running parties outside of Facebook Groups! Yep, I said it. Run your party on your Facebook Biz Page – or even on your public personal profile (or better yet, your host’s profile!). Double check this jives with your company policies. Or, take it off Facebook – Try a Scroll & Shop Party (or Party on Demand), Text Parties, Social Media “Messenger” Parties, Zoom Parties, etc. Use RSVPs to start building relationships with those party guests.

Get Chatty: Want to know what always beats a social post? Talking to people! Be sure to have personal conversations with every party guest (get those RSVPs), every new follower, move every comment into a DM, nurture those leads and keep building the relationship. This is truly where the magic happens. It’s not about what you’re sharing on social, it’s what your saying in the DMs, PMs and texts.

Collaborate: Navigating these changes can be challenging, but you’re not alone. Reach out to your peers, home office team, or industry mentors for support and guidance. Share insights, collaborate on strategies, and collectively adapt to the evolving social media landscape. I’m here for it… and, I know there are others right there with me. In fact, we’re sharing best practices and going even deeper in the upcoming free Modern Direct Seller Challenge. We would love for you, your biz bestie + team to join us!