In today’s episode of the Modern Direct Seller Podcast, we’re getting real about growing your customer base—no fluff, just practical tips you can apply right away. Get ready for advice on how to keep your loyal customers happy while also snagging the attention of potential new ones. Tune in to discover how to level up your social media game and make the most of modern sales strategies!

What type of direct seller are you? Take our free quiz to find out: And if you want to be the first to access our Get Social This Summer Workshop this June, simply text the keyword “social” to 619-760-2300.


Time based notes:

  • [01:33] Introduction
  • [01:59] Direct Seller Quiz Details
  • [04:26] How to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
  • [04:45] Different Circles of Customers
  • [06:19] The Chicken List
  • [08:30] One-on-One Conversation
  • [09:50] Network Acquaintances List
  • [10:55] The Lazy Girl Method
  • [12:57] Customers’ Friends Circle
  • [17:18] Getting Audience from Fundraisers
  • [18:18] Creating Band New Connections
  • [22:45] Upcoming Training on June


How To Find New Customers on Social Media

How do I get out of my comfort zone? How do I get out of my closed Facebook group? How do I get out of my repeat customers?

Start connecting with people on social media to draw them into your business and lead them to learn more and become your next best customer. So with that said, I love thinking about customers in a couple of different circles.

Different Circles of Customers

You have a small circle in the middle, which is your friends and family. Then there’s a little bit of a circle that’s a bit bigger, and those might be in-network acquaintances. Then when you go out a little bit bigger from that, you have friends of your customers and then that last big broad circle are brand new connections or people that you have never met before your direct sales business. 

Friends, Family, & The Chicken List

Your friends and family are naturally your first customers, which is why they are in your first circle. You’ve probably already told them about your business. But I want to challenge you to go through your “chicken list”. This list includes people you might feel a bit hesitant to talk to, but you know you should have mentioned your business to or reached out to already. For whatever reason, it happens to the best of us. Some people in your friends and family circle are likely on your chicken list. My challenge for you is to jot down their names and add them to your list of people to contact.

In-Network Acquaintances 

The second ring outside your friends and family circle is your in-network acquaintances. These are people that maybe follow you on social media, but you don’t really know that well, or people you connected with at one point, but it’s been a while since you’ve really talked to them.

They see you, you see them, but you’re not spending a whole lot of time cultivating a relationship with them. So here’s a quick little assignment: Scroll through your friends list, see who’s following you, who’s liking your business page, and who’s engaging with your content and start rebuilding your relationships with them by initiating one-on-one conversations. Pro tip: Start conversations with those who already consistently engage with your content.

The Importance of Having One-on-One Conversation

It takes time to have individual conversations, but  the more one-on-one conversations you have, the faster you get to know people and the more your content will show up in their feed because you basically just told the algorithm that you’re buddies. And when I say have one-on-one conversations, I don’t mean jumping straight into business pitches. It’s about building authentic relationships. Lead with value, not product. If you’re unsure how to approach these conversations or what topics to discuss, I’ve got a trick up my sleeve – the “lazy girl method” – which I’ll explain next.

The Lazy Girl Method

The lazy girl method is really just responding to stories. So if you’ve created this list of chicken list people and in-network acquaintances, and you know you just need to have more conversations with them, you can start by focusing on what they care about. Go take a peek at their stories. If they have a story posted, they’re likely sharing things that they’re passionate about. I call this the lazy girl method because you just look at their stories and easily respond with curious questions or genuine comments to start the conversation.

 Customers’ Friends Circle

Parties are an opportunity for your host to open up their friend circle to you. It’s a referral network. But it doesn’t just have to be parties, right? It could be collaboration, it could be referrals, it could be fundraisers. But the goal is how to grow your audience by leveraging the network of your customers. So let’s get into some details on that one… If you’re running parties right now… you can let your host do that lead generation for you. Your number one goal from a party here in summer 2024 is to get people to RSVP. Once they’ve RSVPed and passed on their contact information to you, you can own that relationship. 

Getting Audience from Fundraisers

The last bucket is fundraisers. I love fundraisers. I think it’s such a win-win for your business and for those that you serve, and it also often unlocks a completely new audience. Maybe not those normal people who are engaging with you or shopping with you on social, but it’s kind of an excuse to be a little extra public. You can put yourself out there a little bit more than you usually do because it’s for a good cause, and everyone wants to support a good cause when it comes to a fundraiser. So you can collaborate with somebody on a fundraiser. You could collect products for a fundraiser. You could partner with an organization on a fundraiser. All of those strategies are going to give you the opportunity to get in front of a new audience.

Creating Band New Connections

I love this one so much because you have such an incredible opportunity to leverage social media and make brand-new connections. But it does take a little bit of the long game, right? When we’re thinking about social selling, finding new customers, and getting those new leads on social, this could take a couple of days, weeks, months, or years for you to build relationships with people on social. But the beauty of this is brand new connections are drawn to the content you’re sharing. So it’s really important the content that you are sharing is real, it’s authentic.

Stay tuned for an exciting announcement! This June, we’re offering special training on optimizing your profile and creating shareable, discoverable content. To be among the first to access this invaluable workshop, text the keyword “social” to 619-760-2300. Don’t miss out—reserve your spot today and elevate your social media game!


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