Welcome to a milestone episode of the Modern Direct Seller Podcast! We’ve hit 200 episodes and over 100,000 downloads—mind blown! In this special episode, we’re taking a look back at where it all began in my dusty garage, and I’m sharing 10 invaluable lessons learned along the way. From the importance of turning the microphone on (literally and figuratively) to embracing change, asking for what you want, and trusting the process even when you don’t see immediate results, this episode is packed with insights that go beyond podcasting. Cheers to the next 200!


Time based notes:

  • 0:29 Celebrating 200 Episode and 100,000+ Downloads
  • 2:39 Lesson #1: Turn the Microphone On
  • 4:33 Lesson #2: Just Ask
  • 6:23 Lesson #3: Know That They Are Listening
  • 8:17 Lesson #4: It’s Fun to Evolve & Change
  • 10:41 Lesson #5: It’s OK to Repeat Yourself
  • 13:00 Lesson #6: Being Prepared is Gold
  • 14:55 Lesson #7: It’s OK to Ask for Help
  • 17:29 Lesson #8: Share What You Know
  • 18:46 Lesson #9: Repurpose the content
  • 20:39 Lesson #10: Celebrate Those Wins
  • 23:32 Sponsor Message


Celebrating 200 Episodes: What I’ve Learned from Podcasting and Beyond

I can hardly believe it, but here we are—celebrating the 200th episode of the Modern Direct Seller Podcast! When I first sat down in my old, dusty garage back in December 2020, I had no idea that this little podcast would grow into what it is today. Over 200 episodes and more than 100,000 downloads later, I’m completely mind-blown and beyond grateful for each and every one of you who have been on this journey with me.

Reflecting on the Early Days
Starting this podcast was a leap of faith. I remember recording those first few episodes—six of them, in fact—with my microphone accidentally turned off! Yep, I had to re-record all of them. But looking back, it’s such a great reminder of how important it is to just put yourself out there, even when it feels scary.

That little hiccup with the microphone taught me that it’s okay to be imperfect. It’s okay to try new things, mess up, and learn as you go. And honestly, that’s exactly what we do in direct sales every single day, right? We take a deep breath, we try something new, and we keep going.

10 Lessons Learned from 200 Podcast Episodes
As I reflect on this milestone, I wanted to share some of the biggest lessons I’ve learned along the way. These are insights that have not only shaped the podcast but also how I approach business and life. So, here are my top 10 lessons from 200 episodes:

Lesson #1: Turn the Microphone On
This might seem obvious, but the first step to creating something amazing is simply to start. Whether it’s launching a podcast, creating content, or reaching out to a potential client—just turn on the microphone! Don’t wait for perfection. Start where you are, with what you have, and see where it takes you.

Lesson #2: Just Ask
Over the years, I’ve had some incredible guests on the podcast, many of whom I never thought would say yes. But here’s the thing—I asked. Sometimes we hold ourselves back because we assume the answer will be no. In reality, you never know until you ask. So, be bold, make the ask, and you might be surprised at the opportunities that come your way.

Lesson #3: Know That They Are Listening
One of the most humbling parts of this journey has been hearing from listeners who have been impacted by the podcast. It’s a reminder that even when you think no one’s paying attention, they are. Your voice, your message, it matters. Keep showing up, because you’re making a difference, even if you don’t always see it.

Lesson #4: It’s Fun to Evolve & Change
The podcast today looks very different from episode one, and that’s okay! In fact, it’s more than okay—it’s fun! Allowing yourself the freedom to evolve and change as you grow keeps things fresh and exciting. Don’t be afraid to try new things, shift your focus, or take your content in a new direction.

Lesson #5: It’s OK to Repeat Yourself
I used to worry about saying the same thing too often, but here’s the truth: repetition is key. Sometimes people need to hear a message multiple times before it really sinks in. So, if you have something valuable to share, don’t be afraid to repeat it. Your audience will appreciate the reinforcement.

Lesson #6: Being Prepared is Gold
Preparation has been my secret weapon. Whether it’s planning out episodes, researching guests, or just knowing the key points I want to hit, being prepared makes everything run smoother. It also helps you feel more confident and allows for those moments of magic where everything just clicks.

Lesson #7: It’s OK to Ask for Help
Running a podcast, or any business for that matter, isn’t a solo endeavor. It’s okay to ask for help, whether it’s from your team, your family, or other experts in the field. Collaboration can bring new ideas, fresh energy, and support when you need it most.

Lesson #8: Share What You Know
One of the things I love most about podcasting is the opportunity to share what I’ve learned. Whether it’s tips, strategies, or personal experiences, sharing knowledge not only helps others but also reinforces your own expertise. Don’t hold back—what you know could be exactly what someone else needs to hear.

Lesson #9: Repurpose the Content
Content creation can be time-consuming, so I’ve learned the value of repurposing. A podcast episode can turn into a blog post, social media snippets, or even part of a training module. Repurposing not only maximizes your content’s reach but also saves you time and effort in the long run.

Lesson #10: Celebrate Those Wins
Finally, don’t forget to celebrate your wins! It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind and forget to acknowledge how far you’ve come. Whether it’s hitting a milestone like 200 episodes, landing a big guest, or receiving positive feedback from a listener, take a moment to celebrate your successes.

As I celebrate this milestone, I’m filled with excitement for what’s to come. The direct sales industry is constantly evolving, and I’m here for it. I’m committed to continuing to provide actionable strategies, insights, and inspiration to help you rock your biz.

Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey. Whether you’ve been here since episode one or just joined us, I’m so grateful to have you along for the ride. Here’s to 200 more episodes and beyond! Let’s keep growing, evolving, and making an impact together.


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