new to direct sales? i bet you’re wondering…


Will this work?

Where do I start?

Can I make money?

What do I need to know?

feeling overwhelmed?  anxious?  excited?  lost?  unprepared?


Learning the ropes with any party-based direct sales company can feel overwhelming in the beginning.  Growing your knowledge and expertise through training is a critical step to successfully launch your business.

I’m so excited that you took the plunge – that takes guts!  Annnnd, bonus high-five: you are HERE and ready to learn.  So let’s dive in!

tools of the trade

Not a newbie?  Check out training for established direct sellers or leaders.

Episode 142: LIVE from my Biz Mastermind Retreat in San Diego

Episode 142: LIVE from my Biz Mastermind Retreat in San Diego

This week, the Modern Direct Seller Podcast was back on the road! Becky met up with members of her Accelerate mastermind, as well as the group’s leader and mentor, Amber McCue, during their San Diego retreat, and today she’s sharing some of their one-on-one conversations. Listen in to learn how these women are growing and pivoting in their careers, as well as their takeaways from the retreat, and discover how you can apply their practices to your own business!

Episode 141: How to Get Unstuck

Episode 141: How to Get Unstuck

This week on the Modern Direct Seller Podcast, we’re sharing one of our monthly done-for-you trainings from the Modern Direct Seller Academy: “How to Get Unstuck.” You’d be surprised how many direct sellers feel they’re stuck, muddling through, or held back in their business, but often, the solution to moving forward is simpler than it seems. With some a shift in mindset and some intentional action, we can get ourselves out of any rut and on to our next sale!

Episode 140: Hallway Conversations at DSA Canada – Live from Montreal

Episode 140: Hallway Conversations at DSA Canada – Live from Montreal

This week, the Modern Direct Seller Podcast went on the road! Becky kicked off summer at the DSA Canada conference in Montreal not only to learn about innovations in the industry, but also to connect with direct selling professionals and snag some of their insight. In between speeches and panels, Becky caught up with friends and sales leaders and recorded quick conversations about their conference takeaways. Listen in to learn from the best!

Episode 139: Learn How to Chat it Up with Jessica Kane, Founder of GenieChat

Episode 139: Learn How to Chat it Up with Jessica Kane, Founder of GenieChat

This week, a previous podcast guest has returned to give us the scoop on her newest venture—GenieChat! Jessica Kane has been changing the direct sales space for 15 years, and with GenieChat, she’s made it easier than ever for sellers to capitalize on conversation-powered marketing. From unlimited content creation to AI-generated messages to prompts for follow-up, GenieChat is helping take the guesswork out of forging successful sales relationships!

Episode 138: 7 Ways to Make Money in 20 Minutes or Less

Episode 138: 7 Ways to Make Money in 20 Minutes or Less

This week, the Modern Direct Seller Podcast is all about how to focus your limited summer hours on money-making activities by following on one of our favorite models: the ABCs. Even better? Each of these content creation, relationship-building, active selling strategies can be completed in 20 minutes or less! Learn how to leverage your existing customer base, make one-on-one conversations a priority, and move the needle forward in your business without sacrificing your summer plans.

Episode 137: How to Thrive as a Multipassionate Social Seller with Jesi Conder, CEO of Align

Episode 137: How to Thrive as a Multipassionate Social Seller with Jesi Conder, CEO of Align

Jesi Conder is the cofounder and CEO of one of direct sales’ newest brands: Align! This week, she joined us on the Modern Direct Seller Podcast not only to share how Align went from conception to launch in less than a year, but also the ways in which the business was built to allow sellers to be multi-passionate and evolve alongside the industry. Jesi and Align believe in coaching their sellers to build their personal brands first, which in turn allows sales to complement their lifestyles and bring them abundance.

Episode 136: How To Use Hashtags with Jenn Penn

Episode 136: How To Use Hashtags with Jenn Penn

Jenn Penn has been working in the social media space for 15 years, and what began as pioneering Facebook parties has evolved into helping direct sellers see success within one of our most challenging algorithms: Instagram hashtags. Read on or listen in for some tips that will change your Instagram game!

Episode 135: Put Your Own Spin on Sales with Megan Ranco, VP Sales at Tocara

Episode 135: Put Your Own Spin on Sales with Megan Ranco, VP Sales at Tocara

Formerly a seller in the field and now the VP of Sales with Tocara Jewelry, Megan Ranco knows a few things about building a successful business. Today on the Modern Direct Seller Podcast, she’s sharing the ways in which she’s watched direct sales evolve—and, of course, how sellers can adapt to match that growth. Her key is keeping the work focused on people, and with her advice about personalization, positivity, and adding value beyond your products, you too can build a community of long-time clients and long-term support!

Episode 134: Leadership, Branding and Social Selling with Sarah Strunk

Episode 134: Leadership, Branding and Social Selling with Sarah Strunk

We always encourage direct sellers to build an online presence with a personal brand in mind, because we know your value goes beyond your company. This week on the Modern Direct Seller Podcast, one of the industry’s top leaders, Sarah Strunk, joined us to share exactly how it’s done! She went from a solo saleswoman in the crafting and DIY space to Chalk Couture, where she built a team of 97 people in her first week, and she’s been growing ever since—all because she kept herself at the center of her work. Listen in to learn how the flexibility of personal branding can benefit you!

featured products

Perfectly Crafted PMs, DMs and Texts

  • My actual, proven PMs, DMs and Texts that I send to new leads.
  • Specific messages for inviting someone you know (and don’t know!) to follow your business, party invites, follow up messages to close more sales, scripting when asking for a booking and messaging when asking a contact to join your team.
  • Hot Business Tips on how to make sure you have an effective conversation.

52 Tips: Build a Thriving Direct Sales Business

  • A clear formula to step into your direct sales business with ease
  • Actionable tips for you to stand out from the rest.
  • A road map for building your business and team with confidence.


  • Instant access to the Grow Your Direct Sales Biz Bundle (over 35 lessons!)
  • Monthly Masterminds, Office Hours, Tech Support and real-time Coaching & Support
  • Join a community of direct sales go-getters sharing success stories and rooting you on
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75 Captions that Convert + 15 Bonus Graphics

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