We equip you with the tools to market your business online with a website, email, and social media.

Marketing your business and increasing your visibility and presence online is such a smart move–and you can do it with your own personal brand.

And no overwhelm needed.. we’ve been there, done that, and we’re sharing all the tools and processes to make it a breeze, one step at a time.

Get started now!


Grab this FREE personal branding checklist so your direct sales business can stand out from the crowd.

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Connecting with your followers has never been so relevant. Get tips, tricks and ideas on how to create engagement, maximize your presence across social channels and re-purpose your content like a pro.


Today’s PSA: Email marketing is not old-school. In fact, it’s one of the best ways to stay in front of your customers. Best of all, this to-do can be automated in the background.


If you’re ready to be taken seriously and to elevate your brand, create your own custom blog or website (not just your company replicated site) to cultivate relationships with your customers online.

Up Your Social Media Game

An online community that hears from you consistently and loves to interact?! Yes, please! Plus, I’ve got the A-Z for online parties! I’ll also share tools to help you show up online and look good when you do.

Get Started with Email Marketing

From your own email address all the way to emailing your customers with email marketing, we’re diving into it all! Everything you’ll need to learn to look super professional, plus grow your business in a systematic, yet personal way.

Build Your Brand with a Website

The first step to creating an online presence is with your own website. Building my website, has differentiated me from other team members selling the exact same product–and I want to show you how. This is good stuff.

I’ve heard so much about branding yourself, being unique, and providing value, but I had a mental block. I have finally busted through it and I’m loving what I’m doing with my biz. I am also getting great feedback from my customers!

Kristin Hankins


Boost Your Biz with AI

Download our guide for 15 prompts and all the tips and tricks you need to implement AI in your biz today!

Daily Checklist for Direct Sellers

Focus in on daily selling leveraging ABC’s and the 3+3+3 relationship building formula with this simple checklist.

Modern Direct Seller Content Strategy

First create long-form content, then easily create short-form sprinkle it throughout your social posts. Templates included!



If you’re not quite ready for your own website, let’s start with the basics. Buy your own domain name so you have a “pretty” URL that you can share with your followers. Then, have it redirect to your company replicated website. It may sound super technical, but we’ve broken it down in a few simple steps for you. This will take your professionalism up a notch!


As you see an engaging social media post or an email that catches your attention, go ahead and screenshot it. Save it to a special file that you can go back to reference. Marketers call this their “swipe file.” A swipe file can give you motivation, inspiration and ideas as you’re planning out your content.


Through social media, you can more easily learn from professional direct sellers. Follow their social media accounts to learn what books they’re reading, what podcasts they listen to, how they talk about their product and create their personal brand. So what are you waiting for! Go find a few direct sellers on social media that you really admire and follow them!


Say Cheese!!! Invest in professional photos at least once a year. I’m not talking a new headshot – get photos of you doing your thing. Your updated photos will serve you well on your website, social media channels and marketing pieces – all contributing to building a strong personal brand.


How do I create a custom URL for my business?

You definitely need to create a custom URL, instead of the LONG site link you were given when you started your business! Here’s an easy peasy how to!

Should I create my own blog, landing page or website?

An enthusiastic YES response to that question. Creating your own blog, landing page, or website is a great way to stand out from other direct sellers!

And there are lots of other reasons to create you own blog, landing page, or website! Check out this post with my top 10 reasons. Plus, make it super easy on yourself with our oh-so-popular Oh My, Hi simple fill-in-the-blank website!

I’m just getting started with email marketing. Which email marketing service do you recommend?

There are a lot of email systems out there. ConvertKit is my go-to fav!

I have a VIP group--how do I get more people in it?

It’s quality over quantity here! And creating engaging content is a great place to start!

You’ll get engagement by delivering value. And you deliver value by providing information and entertainment. Makes sense, right?

Check out this post with the 4-1-1 on VIP groups plus a FREE download with 50+ ideas for your VIP group!

How do you create pretty graphics?

My favorite tool is Canva. Canva gives you the flexibility to use easy templates, your own images, inexpensive stock photos and best of all — it’s free!

It’s amazing. I think you’ll love it too.

Check out this post with my favorite tips and tricks for creating your own custom graphics using Canva!

How do you edit awesome videos?

There are a lot of free tools! But if you’re looking for a great tool and the one we use and recommend, Camtasia is my fav!

I really want to stand out! How do I do this?

You want your customer to remember YOU. There’s many others selling the exact same thing and YOU want to stand out. The more you can connect with your customers, hostesses and potential teammates, the better. And, this starts with creating a solid brand image. Check out this post to learn more about building your own personal brand and download your FREE Personal Branding Checklist.


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75 Captions that Convert + 15 Bonus Graphics

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