We teach you to get more customers, hostesses and teammates.

Sounds dreamy, right? Well it’s fo’ real!

How we build these relationships makes all the difference and will be the key to reaching your sales goals and building a team.

Direct sellers are usually not taken seriously. In fact, more direct sellers fail rather than succeed. Embarrassing, right? Let’s think like a business owner and implement sales strategies that actually work — and, leave your followers taking you seriously – as you should be.

If you’re ready to grow, let’s go!


Grab this FREE business building worksheet and start using my 3 + 3 +3 = 3000 formula to grow your direct sales team.

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Relationship-building is the business we’re in! This is what separates direct sales from the big box stores. Find the right way to build authentic and real relationships that will set you apart.


At the end of the day to get your paycheck, you’ve got to make sales. As much as we embrace the “share, don’t sell” approach, let’s talk about how to close a sale.


Stepping into leadership is a great way to grow your business – and, increase your income. Leading a team can challenge you in ways you never expected – and its so rewarding!

Build Relationships, Get Sales!

So you want to know the secret to direct sales success–it’s all about the relationships, then come the sales! Be authentic, and work your business every day, and you’ll see the results of your efforts.

Don’t know where to start?

Creative Sales Strategies

The word sales gets a bad rap! So how about we make it fun again? And, remember you aren’t selling someone something they DON’T NEED, you are providing a product that will make their life better, easier, happier–you are helping them. And don’t forget it. These are the tips, tricks and tools that are often never taught.

Build a Team, Step into Leadership

Ready to accelerate your business and income by building a team? I want to equip you to recruit confidently with tips and tools! Plus, let’s not weird our friends out! I also want to share what I’ve learned along the way when it comes to having a vision for your team and keeping your team engaged! When you lead a direct sales team, you have the opportunity to change the course of someone’s life.

Becky is amazing! Not only does she know her stuff, but she is completely down-to-earth and relatable! I love that she isn’t just talking the talk, but she walks the walk right along with the rest of us Direct Sellers! I’m so grateful for all the knowledge I have gained because of her courses.

Kim Hodges

Usborne Books & More


300 Club Quarterly Challenge

Join the 300 Club! Take weekly action, fast forward three months, and you’ve got yourself a solid 300 connections.

15 Best Tips from CEO's

Get your hands on 15 of the best tips from top CEO’s in the direct sales space, plus bonus insights from other experts featured on the podcast.

90 Day Plan for Your Biz

Ready to plan out the next 90 days? Let’s break it down into bite-sized, actionable steps!


Share Your Story

YOU are what makes your business so special! Because let’s be real — there are others that are selling the exact same products. That’s why it’s so important to be YOU. And you are so so special. Seriously. When you tell your story, your followers will get to know you. Isn’t social media powerful that way–there are many people I’m sure you can think of that you’ve never met before but you genuinely feel a connection with, like you know them, and that’s because they share their stories.

Grow Your Team

Ask others if they’re interested in doing what you do. It’s never too early to begin growing your team. You have an entire company and team supporting their success so don’t feel like you have to know everything to add to your team. Plus, building a team takes practice and often begins by planting seeds. Casually mention your business opportunity in conversation. Share what you’re loving about it–and don’t pre-judge or rule anyone out. You may be surprised who is interested in learning more.

What to Say During Times of Uncertainty

Running a business in the midst of a global pandemic has its challenges. Here’s some advice: Don’t go silent. Show up. Be a leader for your community, customers and team. In doing so, show empathy, sensitivity and compassion. Be genuine and authentic. You don’t know how someone might be affected and how they are feeling. So… what do you say? Get these suggestions on what to say when reaching out to others during times of uncertainty. While this is true during normal times, it is even more important to focus on relationship building first — before asking for a sale or sharing product.


I’m really excited to grow my business, but I can’t seem to get past my friends and family! Help please!

A lot of direct sellers quit before they get out of their friend circle! Getting out of your friend circle is going to be one of your very first strategies to extend your reach, connect with new customers and build for the future. Check out this post to learn more!

How we build relationships makes all the difference. Building relationships INTENTIONALLY and with AUTHENTICITY was huge in my success. Check out this post to learn the secret to direct sales success!

I see so many spammy messages from direct sellers... How do I make sure I’m not that girl?

I’ve been around the direct sales industry for a while now, and I’ve noticed some things that happen time and time again that are huge barriers to getting a yes when you DO ask. Check out this post to learn about these mistakes and what you can say instead!

I’ve been coached to create a list of 100, a FRANKS list. Do I really need to do this?

Yes, you really need to do this.

Your list is constantly evolving. It’s the best way to start your customer base–honestly your network is the best place to start.

Check out this post on how to grow your list like a direct sales boss!

I’m really excited to do vendor and pop up events. How do I start?

I love doing events and have found a TON of success growing my network through vendor events. It’s all about knowing you’re in the right place at the right time in your community.

A great place to find local events is on Facebook! Check the events section in your area and look for criteria that’s important to you.

Learn all about best practices for events here.

I worked an event and now I have a stack of leads, how do I follow up?

Woo-Hoo! That is so great!

Before too much time goes by, know this. You have 24 hours where you’re in the cool/BFF zone–ummm like they’ll remember you! So don’t procrastinate.

Check out this post with all the best tips for running events and following up after!

I also have this handy-dandy Fast Track Follow Up Formula for direct sellers!

I’m excited to step into leadership but I’m brand new! What are your best tips?

Congrats on growing your team! That is such an exciting time… but definitely a little scary too!

Check out this post with my best advice for new direct sales leaders!

I’ve tried a lot of things… I’m at my wits end. Should I continue?

That’s a great question! There are a lot of things to evaluate. I think a lot of people quit right before the breakthrough, so don’t quit too soon. PLEASE!

Check out this post to help you evaluate.


Get more sales, bookings and team members with direct sales training, weekly masterminds, real-time coaching & support and a rockstar community.

Since joining the Academy, my focus has been on getting processes in place – email lists, hostess coaching, messaging, all that fun stuff! Becky has amazing resources for this so I’ve been able to build a solid foundation for my business that will stay in place and help support it as I grow and evolve as a business owner.

Nikki Misiura

Usborne Books & More

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